sunnuntai 26. helmikuuta 2012

You're Beautiful / He's Beautiful

This drama is about an orpah girl who's twin brother got in to one of the best known band 'AnJell'. The problem is that her brother is in USA to get his eyes fixed when he's suppose to debut. Go Mi Nyu is suppose to get in her brother's place in the band since they are identical twins. Even their voice's are the same. She dresses as her brother to get in so they could possibly found their mother. She get's accepted into the band but the cold leader of the band Hwan Tae Kyun hate's her more than anything. He's clean freak and she's nothing like that. Kang Shin Wo (the guitarrist of the band) finds out from the day one that she's girl. Shin Wo help's her as muh as possible.
It doesn't take long time before Tae Kyun finds out that she's a girl. He wants her to leave but she really wants to find her mother. After her first show she founds out that her mother is dead. She's heartbroken. Tae Kyun let's her stay in the band. Soon Korean's favorite girl Yoo He Yi also finds out that Go Mi Nam (Go Mi Nyu) is really a girl. She has feelings torwards Tae Kyun who had started to like Mi Nyu. He Yi forces Tae Kyun to fake date her. She wants the fame and the guy. Tae Kyung still doesn't feel anything torward her.
Jeremy ( the drummer of the band) fell for Go Mi Nam and he was really happy when he found out that he was really a girl. He got his heartbroken when she said that she loves Tae Kyun. He still get's over it and end's up being her friend. Shin Wo still love's Go Mi Nam and doesn't want to give up on her.
Tae Kyun's mother is well known singer, but nobody knows that she had have a son. She doesn't like Tae Kyun since she blames him for her to loose the one she really loved. Go Mi Nyu's father. He had died when the kids were really young. She wants to fnd the kids and soon she finds out that the boy who is in the same band with her son is the son of the man she loved is a girl. She doesn't like it that her son is so close to her. She ends up telling to Tae Kyun that Go Mi Nyu is the kid. Tae Kyun who was abandonet by her mother in young age started to hate Mi Nyu.
After soem time the real Go Mi Nam get's back. Nobody's that happy about it since everyone likes Mi Nyu and she is so different from her brother. Mi Nyu dissapears and the whle band tryes to find her. She doesn't want to be found, but t ends up her needing to become Go Mi Nam again. She got found out by the other members of the band. At the end Tae Kyun still loved M Nyu and he tryes to fnd her. He finally finds her and then the show ends.

I really loved this drama. The only bad part was the ending. It really wasn't good enought for the drama. I really loved the carecters. They were all really funny but serious. The cast was amazing and I loved every one from it. I recommend it to everyone who like's funny dramas!!!

Main Cast:

Park Shin Hye - Go Mi Nam & Go Mi Nyu (leading female)
Jang Geun Suk - Hwan Tae Kyun (leading male & the band leader)
Jung Yong Hwa - Kang Shin Wo (in love with Mi Nyu & guitarist of the band)
Lee Hong Ki - Jeremy (cute side role & in love with Mi Nyu & the drummer of the band)
UEE - Yoo He Yi (the evil girl of the story-aka fake fairy)
Go Mi Nam (Park Shin Hye), Hwan Tae Kyun ( Jang Geun Suk), Kang Shin Woo ( Jung Yong Hwa), Jeremy (Lee Hong Ki)


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