maanantai 27. helmikuuta 2012

Ikemen Desu Ne

Ikemen Desu ne is the same show as 'You're beautiful', but just Japaneese version. The idea is same. (You can just scroll down and see what happens in the Korean version.)

I really liked the drama. It was weird to watch it when it was still a bit different, but this was good too. I would say that I liked the Korean versio more, but this one was really good too. It was shorter than Korean but it really didn't matter much. 

Main Cast:

Miori Takimoto - Mio/Miko Sakuraba (leading female)
Yuta Tamamori - Ren Katsuragi (leading male)
Taisuke Fujigaya - Shu Fijishiro (the guitarrist of the band & in love with Mio/Miko)
Hikaru Yaotome - Yuuki Hongo (the drummer of the band & in love with Mio/Miko)
Shu (Taisuke Fujigaya), Mio (Miori Takimoto), Ren (Yuta Tamamori), Yuuki (Hikaru Yaotomote).

Mio (Miori Takimoto) & Ren (Yuta Tamamori)

sunnuntai 26. helmikuuta 2012

Hana Kimi Taiwan

So Hana Kimi Taiwan is about the same show as Hanazakari no Kimitouchi e, but just Taiwaneese version. The story is about the same, but there is small differences.

I really like this version too. It was longer than Hana Kimi Japan. I mostly like in this version that Lu Rui Xi (the leading girl) and Zuo Yi Quan's relation ship was a lot warmer than the Japaneese version. What I hated was the ending. I was really suprised that it alreadyd ended. I really hated it. It felt like they didn't explane anything at the end,

Main Cast:

Ella Chen - Lu Rui Xi
Wu Chun - Zuo Yi Quan
Jiro Wang - Jin Xiu Yi
Yi Quan (Wu Chun), Rui Xi (Ella Chen), Xiu Yi (Yiro Wang)

 Yi Quan (Wu Chun) & Rui Xi (Ella Chen)

Hanazakari no Kimitouchi e / Hana Kimi

Hana Kimi is Japaneese drama about a girl, Mizuki Ashia, who disguise herself to a boy so that she can attend to a all boys school. She's transferred student from America. She came to Japan so that she could get Izumi Sano to high jump again. Sano met an accident in America a while ago and after that he couldn't anymore jump. He got hurt while he was trying to save Ashia.
Ashia ends up being a roomate with Sano. She also got find out from being girl from the day one by the school doctor. He desidet not to say anything since she just tryes to help Sano.
Sano finds out that Ashia is a girl pretty soon too by Asia's older brother who came to Japan to take her back to America with him. She refuses to leave.
She get's really close friend Shuichi Nakatsu. He thinks that he might be gay since he starts to have feeling torwards Ashia. Ashia fell's for Sano, who act's like he doesn't care about Ashia. Finally Nakatsu finds out that Ashia is a girl. He and Sano tryes to help her so that she won't be found out by other one's. Finally everyone get's to know. Everybody starts to hate Ashia from lying to them, until Sano explanes why she is there.
After some time Ashia desides to leave the school before some more trouble would come. At the airport when Sano was taking her there they finally kiss'es.

I really really loved this drama. It's one of my favorites. It was so funny. It was only 11 episodes + one extra episode. In the drama the story wasn't the greatest, but it was really hillarious and the little things made it so good. I recommend it to everyone who isn't boring and like's funny stuff.

Main Cast:

Maki Horikita - Mizuki Ashia (leading female)
Shun Oguri - Izumi Sano (leading male)
Toma Ikuta - Shuichi Nakatsu (in love with Ashia).
Nakatsu Shuichi (Ikuta Toma), Ashia Mizuki (Horikita Maki), Sano Izumi (Oguri Shun)

Hana Kimi

Ashia Mizuki (Horikita Maki) & Sano Izumi (Oguri Shun)

Playful Kiss / Mischievous Kiss

Playful Kiss is a story about a girl who had loved a boy from the first day in the school. They are really different. The girl, Oh Ha Ni, is a bit dumb and really careless, when the boy, Baek Seung Joon, is really smart and can do pretty much everything. Ha Ni's house collapset at a earthquake. Her father arranged them to live at his friends house and it probably won't suprise anyone that Ha Ni's father's friends son is of course Seung Joon. She finds out that he's really cold torwards Ha Ni. He knows that Ha Ni likes him since she had gave him a love letter, which he gave back and he had corrected the misspellings. Seung Joon's little brother doesn't like Ha Ni. He finds her annoying and stupid. Seung Joon's mother in other hand really loves Ha Ni. She have always wanted to have a daughter and now a sweet Ha Ni came. 
Soon their high school was over and they needed to get to college's. They end up going to same college. In there is also Seung Joon's old friend, Joon Hae Ra, who's like female Seung Joon. She's smart and pretty. Ha Ni is immidiatley jelouse to her.
After some time passes they have pretty hard times, Seung Joon's father had a heartattack and Seung Joon must take his place in his father's company. He wants to be a doctor and now he needed to be on the head of the video came company. Soon his farher anyways recovered and he got back to school.
No long time passed and Seung Joon was in love with Ha Ni. They desidet to get married and Seung Joon's mother arranged the wedding pretty soon. They went to hneymoon and there they met a weird couple. The women was immidiatley in love with Seung Joon  and her new husband was fine with it. Seung Joon and Ha Ni had a fight over it, but Seung Joon needed to admit that he was wrong at last.

I realli liked this drama. It was really funny and easy to watch. I just have the problem that I got embarassed for Ha Ni, so if you're like me in this it's sometimes really hard to watch it. It was mostly nice. The thing that I didn't like that much was that Ha Ni was a bit too obsessed over Seung Joon. I recommend it to anyone who like's something really fun and embarassing.

Main Cast:

Jung So Mi - Oh Ha Ni ( the leading female)
Kim Hyun Joong - Baek Seung Joon (leading male)
Lee Tae Sung - Bong Joon Gu ( in love with Ha Ni)
Lee Si Young - Yoon Hae Ra (Seung Joon's friend and in love with him)
Jun Hye Young - Hwan Geum Hee (Seung Joon's mother)

Bong Joon Gu (Lee Tae Sung), Oh Ha Ni (Jung So Mi), Beak Seung Joon (Kim Hyung Joon)
Oh Ha Ni (Jung So Mi) & Baek Seung Joon (Kim Hyung Joon)


Heartstrings was a drama about a girl, Lee Gyu Wo, she's in art school and she study's traditional Korean music. She meet's a boy, Lee Shin, who's in a rock band. They end's up not liking each other. They had a competition in music and the one who loses must be the other one's slave for the next month. Gyu Wo loses it and immidiatley she needs to do his arrands. She need's to go to the classes that Lee Shin can't attend and she needs to get him coffee and even clean up his band's practise room. Soon she finds out that she has feelings torwards Lee Shin. She also finds out that Lee Shin is in love with the dance teacher of the school. The teahcer makes sure that she doesn't like Lee Shin back and she's in love with the director of the school's 100 years aniversary performance. They had been lovers back when they were school. 
                                                    Gyu Wo got's to be the understudy for the best dancer & singer of the school Han Hee Joon. She's mean to Gyu Wo from the beginning. She's anorectic and a perfectionist. Her mother wants her to be famous no matter what.
Finally Gyu Wo and Lee Shin get's together. They are pretty happy all the time. Then comes scandal about Gyu Wo and the director. They get's it slowed pretty well.
At the end after the 100 years anversary performance Gyu Wo get's a contrackt. Lee Shin hurted his hand when Gyu Wo felled down on him and he twisted his wrist. He couldn't play guitar anymore. When Gyu Wo heards about it she wants to help him and she dosn't want to go to England for the music contract. Lee Shin wants her to go and he break up with her. He says that there's nothing wrong with his hand and that he doesn't love her anymore. She leaves to England.
A year later she comes back. She still loves Lee Shin, who tryes to avoid her since he loves her back. At the end Gyu Wo finds out that Lee Shin had to go to surgery with his hand and that he didn't tell her since he wanted her to go to England. She's hurted but then they get to gether anyways.

I really loved the drama. It was really funny at times and it was also really touching at some parts. I liked a lt how well the cast got along. It really showed from the drama. I recommended this drama to everyone who like's funny, but touching stories. 

Main Cast:

Jung Yong Hwa - Lee Shin (leadign male)
Park Shin Hye - Lee Gyu Wo (leading female)
Shong Chang Ui - Kim Suk Hyun (the director)
So Yi Hyun - Jung Yoon Soo (dance teacher)
Kang Min Hyuk - Yeon Joon Hee (drummer from Lee Shin's band and one of his best friends)
Lee Hyun Jin - Hyun Ki Young ( a talented singer from the school)
Im Se Mi - Cha Bo Woon (Gyu Wo's best friend)
Lee Gyu Wo (Park Shin Hye) & Lee Shin (Jung Yong Hwa)

You're Beautiful / He's Beautiful

This drama is about an orpah girl who's twin brother got in to one of the best known band 'AnJell'. The problem is that her brother is in USA to get his eyes fixed when he's suppose to debut. Go Mi Nyu is suppose to get in her brother's place in the band since they are identical twins. Even their voice's are the same. She dresses as her brother to get in so they could possibly found their mother. She get's accepted into the band but the cold leader of the band Hwan Tae Kyun hate's her more than anything. He's clean freak and she's nothing like that. Kang Shin Wo (the guitarrist of the band) finds out from the day one that she's girl. Shin Wo help's her as muh as possible.
It doesn't take long time before Tae Kyun finds out that she's a girl. He wants her to leave but she really wants to find her mother. After her first show she founds out that her mother is dead. She's heartbroken. Tae Kyun let's her stay in the band. Soon Korean's favorite girl Yoo He Yi also finds out that Go Mi Nam (Go Mi Nyu) is really a girl. She has feelings torwards Tae Kyun who had started to like Mi Nyu. He Yi forces Tae Kyun to fake date her. She wants the fame and the guy. Tae Kyung still doesn't feel anything torward her.
Jeremy ( the drummer of the band) fell for Go Mi Nam and he was really happy when he found out that he was really a girl. He got his heartbroken when she said that she loves Tae Kyun. He still get's over it and end's up being her friend. Shin Wo still love's Go Mi Nam and doesn't want to give up on her.
Tae Kyun's mother is well known singer, but nobody knows that she had have a son. She doesn't like Tae Kyun since she blames him for her to loose the one she really loved. Go Mi Nyu's father. He had died when the kids were really young. She wants to fnd the kids and soon she finds out that the boy who is in the same band with her son is the son of the man she loved is a girl. She doesn't like it that her son is so close to her. She ends up telling to Tae Kyun that Go Mi Nyu is the kid. Tae Kyun who was abandonet by her mother in young age started to hate Mi Nyu.
After soem time the real Go Mi Nam get's back. Nobody's that happy about it since everyone likes Mi Nyu and she is so different from her brother. Mi Nyu dissapears and the whle band tryes to find her. She doesn't want to be found, but t ends up her needing to become Go Mi Nam again. She got found out by the other members of the band. At the end Tae Kyun still loved M Nyu and he tryes to fnd her. He finally finds her and then the show ends.

I really loved this drama. The only bad part was the ending. It really wasn't good enought for the drama. I really loved the carecters. They were all really funny but serious. The cast was amazing and I loved every one from it. I recommend it to everyone who like's funny dramas!!!

Main Cast:

Park Shin Hye - Go Mi Nam & Go Mi Nyu (leading female)
Jang Geun Suk - Hwan Tae Kyun (leading male & the band leader)
Jung Yong Hwa - Kang Shin Wo (in love with Mi Nyu & guitarist of the band)
Lee Hong Ki - Jeremy (cute side role & in love with Mi Nyu & the drummer of the band)
UEE - Yoo He Yi (the evil girl of the story-aka fake fairy)
Go Mi Nam (Park Shin Hye), Hwan Tae Kyun ( Jang Geun Suk), Kang Shin Woo ( Jung Yong Hwa), Jeremy (Lee Hong Ki)


Hana Yori Dango

This story is pretty much same as Boys Over Flowers, it's just the Japaneese version. There is slightly differences. But if you want the main point just read the Boys Over Flowers text.

I really liked this version too. It was first really hard to try to watch the same show in different language and when the cast was different. If you are intrested in Boys Over Flowers you must watch Hana Yori Dango. Just must.

Main cast:

Mao Inoune - Makino Tsukushi (leading female)
Jun Matsumoto - Domyouji Tsukasa (leading male)
Oguri Shun - Hanazawa Rui (part of F4 & in love with Makino)
 Shota Matsuada - Nishikado Soujiro (Part of F4)
Tsuyoshi Abe - Mimasaka Akira (part of F4)
Nishikado Soujiro (Shota Matsuada), Hanazawa Rui ( Oguri Shun), Makino Tsukushi (Mao Inoune), Domyouji Tsukasa (Matsumoto Jun), Mimasaka Akira (Tsuyoshi Abe).

Boys Over Flowers / Boys Before Flowers

My first K-Drama was Boys Over Flowers. I really loved it. It's been time since I watched it so I'm gonna write a bit less of it.
The story is about a poor girl who get's into a very expensive private school. In the school there is well known group caller F4. They are 4 good looking and ritch boys. They are all arrogant and doesn't really care about anything. The leader Goo Jon Pyo is the son of the best known Korean label. He fall's inlove with the poor girl Geum Jan Di. She in other hand hate's Goo Jon Pyo. She fell's for Jon Pyo's best friend Ji Hoo. He's the quiate and nice guy. He doesn't love Jan Di back. He had fell for a model/lawyer, who moves to France in the kind of start. Jon Pyo tryes to get Jan Di to love him. 
Jan Di's only friend in the school ends up being in love with Jon Pyo and she tryes to make everything as hard for Jan Di as possible. 
Jon Pyo's mother who is a real business woman who cares only about busines doesn't like Jan Di. She hates her. She doesn't think that Jan Di is a good mach to Jon Pyo since her family is poor. Jan Di's family really like's Jon Pyo (mostly beacause of the money). Jon Pyo's mother tryes her hardest to get those two to stop daiting. She even arranges his marriage with another woman. The new girl fell's for Jon Pyo, but Jon Pyo still loves Jan Di. Finally the new girl and Jon Pyo ends up breaking up.
Jon Pyo's mother forces Jan Di to move to one fisher village so she won't ruin her friends lifes. She lies to Jon Pyo  and says that she doesn't care about him. She run's to the fisher village. Ji Hoo, who had started to love Jan Di too finds her. Jon Pyo follows Ji Hoo to the village and at there he mets an car accident and loses his memories. But he remember's every thing else but Jan Di. Jan Di strugles to make Jon Pyo to remember her. He finally remember's her when she get's into an danger. At the end they finally have each other.

The drama took 25 episodes. I really liked it. I got hooked to it from the first episode. It didn't took too much time to finish it. It's impossible not to fall in love with the carecters. I really loved this drama and if you like slightly sad and super funny & also really easy to love. If you like anythnig of those watch it. I recomend it.

Main cast:

Koo Hye Sun - Geum Jan Di (leading female)
Lee Min Ho - Goo Jon Pyo (leading male)
Kim Hyun Joong - Yoon Ji Hoo (part of F4 & in love with Jan Di)
Kim Bum - So Yi Jung (part of F4 & player)
Cha Ga Eul (Kim So Eun), So Yi Jung (Kim Bum) Goo Jun Pyo (Lee Min Ho) Geum Jan Di (Koo Hye Sun), Yoon Ji Hoo (Kim Hyun Joong)

Jun Pyo (Lee Min Ho) & Jan Di (Koo Hye Sun).
Kim So Eun - Chu Ga Eul  (part of F4 & gangster)


So my name is Iris. I'm 16 years old girl from Finland and I totally love K-Drama's, K-pop and K-Fashion. This blog is about all the dramas I have watched. There will be a lot of spoilers. I won't write from every episode but I'll still might tell what happened in which episode. Sorry. So I hope you enjoy :)

<3 Iris